Saturday, March 31, 2012

LBRP The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
I encourage everyone to read this!
One verson...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today's "Angel Gmestone Oracle Cards" draw. 

Devine Miracles Predictions For 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

This morning was the first morning that I added the Green Tara Mantra as part of my morning routine. Inspired to do so by Jacquie (1MoonMother) :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dream Log
(Dreaming stone "Oregon Opal")

There were snakes in my dream last night. One under the stairs to the entrance of the front door, one in the closet and one in the living room. At one point I was sitting on the floor cross legged in the living room and there was a large one, I thought it was going to bite me or the small child in my lap so I quickly put my hands around its jaws as it was facing away from me and held them closed tightly which was very strange as it really didn't struggle to free itself and then I realized it meant no harm so I released it, got up and left the room as I wasn't quite sure of its intention. I was never terrified in the dream, concerned that it may bite one of us there but more curious than anything as it didn't make sense as to how they were getting inside and wondering why.

Then as I lay there half awake, half asleep these words came to me.....Believe, Respect, Project, Expect. I have heard that snakes can be a sign of transformation. Also, not long ago *points down in the blog* there was a real snake on my back patio which I also really didn't fear and didn't feel compelled to kill, my instinct said to let it go its way. hmmmmmm, Much to ponder.

As a positive symbol, snakes represent transformation, knowledge and wisdom. The presence of a snake in a dream may indicate self-renewal and positive changes for the dreamer.

Opal/Oregon Opal

Discovered by a shepherd over a century ago, Oregon Opal is a highly spiritual stone. In addition to carrying the generic properties of Opal, it assists in past life exploration and is very effective for releasing old grief, trauma, and disappointment. This stone searches out lies, both those from other people and our own self deceptions and delusions. It clears the emotional body and amplifies the entire range of positive emotions.

Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces metaphysical and mystical visions. When programmed, Opal makes you "invisible" and is useful when venturing into dangerous places. including shamanic work where stealth is required. Absorbent and reflective, it picks up thoughts and feelings, amplifies them, and returns them. A karmic stone, it teaches that what you put out comes back. This stone brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. A seductive stone, Opal has always been associated with love and passion, desire and eroticism, but you need to be centered before using Opal to explore or induce feelings or to have other stones standing by to aid integration. Opal heals the Earth's energy field, repairing depletions and re-energizing and stabilizing the grid.

Several weeks ago, Sami aka WitchonTheRocks recommended sleeping with crystals under your pillow and recording your dreams. Well, I have been doing this every night but have had great difficulty in remembering anything. This is the first time I have had something to document. I slip the stone inside my pillow case, under my pillow to keep it safe from getting lost or falling out of bed.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

 I LOVE it!!!
 ♥ Supper Love Potion ♥
Icon painted and infused with Magick by Jacqueline Dubois .
Check out her youtube channel 1MoonMother
and there is also a link to her website
Mother Moon Monastery under the Witchy Web Shops section.

Last evening I was blessed to be a part of my first
public circle ritual to celebrate Ostara.
I am a solitary practitioner and found this  was absolutely amazing! Thank you so very much
Clyde and Kimberley of "The Witchery" and
Serafine Borealis and members of the Coven de IAbeille de Nuit.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

)0( Altar for Ostara )0(
I use a glass appetizer dish that has four divided sections and a circle in the middle. One for each element, crystals/stones/symbols and incense. This is best for me because I have two Boxers so I can't really sprinkle anything loosely over my altar as Bogart will eat ANYTHING, anytime, anywhere and he is tall enough to reach, sniff and blow! If you have ever had or been around a Boxer, you know exactly what I mean by that! LOL  I also have a touch of OCD so I have a thing for neatly seperating certain items. I prefer tealights as I don't have to worry about them dripping wax and I can let them burn all the way down a bit more safely. With that said...Never leave candles burning unattended and never have anything so close it can catch fire. I do use the small chime candles for spells when I need a bit of the candle for the working. The glass dish also makes it much easier and quicker to move in case you need to go to another area in your home for some reason.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring has sprung!
I let my dogs out tonight before putting them to bed and then noticed this snake ( 10 to 12" ) was on my back patio. I immediately yelled at my dogs to come back in. Journey came right away but Bogart saw it and was staring at it so I told him very sternly to get inside and to my surprise, he did! He must have sensed my panic because he came right in and he never does that, he eats everything! Not sure if  it was  poisonous so I didn't get too close and just let it go on its way. Kinda scary.
Hubby said this appears to be a Diamondback Water Snake and it is nonvenomous! Yay!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

 )O(  Full Moon  )O(
I have a thing for my broom.