Sunday, May 27, 2012

YouTube Sister judedirect posted a video "Paganism and Love". Is there an expression of love within the pagan community? Is love experienced in our rituals?

This is in response to her video.

I can only express my own personal experience and feelings on this subject.

First of all, I believe the Divine has appeared to humans throughout history in a guise that would be most accepting and understandable of the people, their region and their time.

This is why there are so many different Gods and Goddesses. In other words, the One Divine has many faces and therefore there is no one true path. There are many long winding paths that are all connected. For me being raised Catholic, Mother Mary and Jesus are who I connect with the most but for me it seems they are faces that the Divine knows I am connected to. There are so many aspects of the Divine and I appreciate all that I come to learn about each of them. They each hold precious gifts and insights into the Divine and humanity.

I experience such great love when connecting with others in the pagan community and especially during ritual when all is quiet and I am surrounded by the Divine and each of the Divine's gifts. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Each is a gift to be accessed and cherished. We have been given such great power that most will sadly never come to know.

Sometimes the love is so overwhelming during ritual it brings me to tears. This doesn't happen every time but quite often.

I believe that in human form on planet we must experience the dark in order to fully ascend into complete Love and Light in the next realm of consciousness. It is a test, a lesson, a weapon, and a challenge to conquer.

When I am sitting at home watching YouTube videos posted by those that are of like mind I smile, giggle, sometimes get all warm and fuzzy. It depends on the person and the topic but I can tell you this...there are several that you can't help but feel the love that comes through the screen. The fact that they take the time to share their experiences, their lives, their sadness and joy is a gift to be treasured and to be grateful for. I believe that we are all coming here to connect because of love and the understanding of others that are of like mind.

That is what seems to be overlooked these days by some. People want to judge and be critical because they see the light that shines from so many of that which they are lacking. So what do they do? They project all of the negative junk that is brewing within them at everyone they come into contact with. Be it online or in person. I learned a long time ago that if someone has a toxic personality....stay clear of them. This is why the block and delete buttons are so useful. If everyone would ignore the behavior they would be forced to stop. They feed off of the arguing and negativity that it can breed.

I have seen over the past week or so, people getting upset and leaving YouTube because of the few hateful people trying to unleash their own negativity upon us but in reality, in the pagan community all that was truly unleashed was even more love and respect.

So my answer is clearly yes to "Is there an expression of love in the pagan community and in our rituals?"

Love really is all there is. The very reason I do my best to "Harm None" is because I love everyone. If you truly believe we are all connected, how can you not love all? Don't you love yourself?

That is not to say I don't get angry. I get VERY angry at times but I do not waste my energy or time on those that wish to destroy love. So, what can be done you may ask? We shall gather, stand tall, side by side, hands clasped, eyes open, mouths closed and when they are met by a wall of silence they will either open their hearts to love or retreat. The choice is theirs.

Blessings of Love

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dealing with negative, bitch picky people....Simply don't.

YouTube is evidently brimming with these folks and always will I suppose, just like the rest of the world. My opinion on this is.....It's comparable to a high school student bickering back and forth with an elementary school student. They will not understand a thing you say or try to explain. My personal choice concerning this is the following....If I begin to read an email or comment for approval and see that it is negative in any way shape or form I take a deep breath, smile and hit the trash can button. I don't even make note of the senders name. They are gone...bye, bye. Scoot along to someone else because I will not participate in the madness. 

Also, I don't give the option for people to like or dislike my videos because I feel if they don't like what I have to say, don't watch me and don't subscribe to me, they DO have a choice. I will not waste my time or energy on such nonsense and disrespectful behavior.

There are so many wonderful, people on youtube that are truly spiritually awake, awakening, teaching and learning that wish to share their experiences and it's simply not fair or acceptable what these others are doing. If they had a lick of sense and truly understood witchcraft they would know better than to intentionally piss off a true witch.

I read somewhere once that all witches draw from the same well, so why would one wish to taint it in such a way? Those doing this are obviously oblivious and should seek a different path until they mature and learn respect for this one.

What they send out returns, they will get what they deserve, one way or another, sooner or later. Being the Libra that I am, I desire harmony. I believe in being Love and Light until it is time to not be. There are those times and I do not fear them.

These are my personal opinions that I am entitled to, so don't go gittin your knickers in a knot....okay? hehehe 

Magickal Blessings

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The beautiful Joanna Devoe recommended this book in one of her videos and I have started reading it and Ohhhhhh....It makes so much sense! If you can, please please read it. I found it on Amazon but if you have a Half Price Books close to you then check there first.

Now I must say, take it slow and don't cut out all animal proteins from your diet at once. Just cut down because it could have side effects as Joanna mentioned in her video, she started losing her hair. Sooooo my friends....everything in moderation and listen to your body. Just begin by making wiser food choices and this book is a wonderful guide. Do I agree with EVERYTHING in this book? Well of course not! I pick and choose what makes sense for my health and spiritual needs. :)

I had already begun changing my diet to more organic foods and products about a year ago and boy is it tough to make changes! But these changes are for the better, I promise you that and what does a powerful Life Force Energy create? Well....even more powerful Magick of course! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lately I have been watching videos about how to make herbal tinctures, oils and salves for health and healing. I have always trusted and used store bought herbs but after seeing how easy these items are to make, I think I shall make my own. We should all know how to do these things to care for ourselves and our families.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My thoughts today...
There are those that remember and delve deeper, tapping into and harnessing the power of the Universe and our beautiful Mother Earth.

Most that truly understand the magnificence of this power are humbled by it. Then there are those that are unable for one reason or another, to believe that something so wondrous is even possible.

We are all connected and this is why we are able to cast spells that manifest and affect another and our realities. Those of us that know this, are able to harness the power and manipulate it most effectively.

Those that know, are a beacon, a light, holding the torch, directing the burning flame into the darkness lighting the path of those that seek Source.

There is a reason all those years ago certain people in power attempted to banish magic from the masses. The reason is simple. The reason is because magic exists, magic is power, and magic is a threat to those that wish to oppress and control the populace.

Everyone is magic but you must believe in yourself and that you are powerful or the magic lies dormant like a dusty old book up on a top shelf just out of reach. The knowledge is there but you must desire it and then take the book up, blow off the dust and open it.

The world wide web is exactly that. A magical web that reaches every corner of the world and draws in all of those that seek to remember the magic. It connects all of us that remember who and what we really are and that we are to be kind, loving and share what we know. I believe its true design was not meant for commerce but to connect the world, breaking down walls and untruths and that it has. Just look at the uprisings around the world and how the leaders that terrorized, tortured and killed their own people were not able to hide. They were forced into the light for all to see. Personal accounts on youtube and internet news of people willing to die for their most basic right...freedom.

The shift is well upon us.

Magical Blessings,
Perpetual Witch