Saturday, May 5, 2012

My thoughts today...
There are those that remember and delve deeper, tapping into and harnessing the power of the Universe and our beautiful Mother Earth.

Most that truly understand the magnificence of this power are humbled by it. Then there are those that are unable for one reason or another, to believe that something so wondrous is even possible.

We are all connected and this is why we are able to cast spells that manifest and affect another and our realities. Those of us that know this, are able to harness the power and manipulate it most effectively.

Those that know, are a beacon, a light, holding the torch, directing the burning flame into the darkness lighting the path of those that seek Source.

There is a reason all those years ago certain people in power attempted to banish magic from the masses. The reason is simple. The reason is because magic exists, magic is power, and magic is a threat to those that wish to oppress and control the populace.

Everyone is magic but you must believe in yourself and that you are powerful or the magic lies dormant like a dusty old book up on a top shelf just out of reach. The knowledge is there but you must desire it and then take the book up, blow off the dust and open it.

The world wide web is exactly that. A magical web that reaches every corner of the world and draws in all of those that seek to remember the magic. It connects all of us that remember who and what we really are and that we are to be kind, loving and share what we know. I believe its true design was not meant for commerce but to connect the world, breaking down walls and untruths and that it has. Just look at the uprisings around the world and how the leaders that terrorized, tortured and killed their own people were not able to hide. They were forced into the light for all to see. Personal accounts on youtube and internet news of people willing to die for their most basic right...freedom.

The shift is well upon us.

Magical Blessings,
Perpetual Witch

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts! Let's hope that corporations and states don't shut down or control the internet as they threaten to. Being able to share on here is so important in so many ways! :)
