Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dealing with negative, bitch picky people....Simply don't.

YouTube is evidently brimming with these folks and always will I suppose, just like the rest of the world. My opinion on this is.....It's comparable to a high school student bickering back and forth with an elementary school student. They will not understand a thing you say or try to explain. My personal choice concerning this is the following....If I begin to read an email or comment for approval and see that it is negative in any way shape or form I take a deep breath, smile and hit the trash can button. I don't even make note of the senders name. They are gone...bye, bye. Scoot along to someone else because I will not participate in the madness. 

Also, I don't give the option for people to like or dislike my videos because I feel if they don't like what I have to say, don't watch me and don't subscribe to me, they DO have a choice. I will not waste my time or energy on such nonsense and disrespectful behavior.

There are so many wonderful, people on youtube that are truly spiritually awake, awakening, teaching and learning that wish to share their experiences and it's simply not fair or acceptable what these others are doing. If they had a lick of sense and truly understood witchcraft they would know better than to intentionally piss off a true witch.

I read somewhere once that all witches draw from the same well, so why would one wish to taint it in such a way? Those doing this are obviously oblivious and should seek a different path until they mature and learn respect for this one.

What they send out returns, they will get what they deserve, one way or another, sooner or later. Being the Libra that I am, I desire harmony. I believe in being Love and Light until it is time to not be. There are those times and I do not fear them.

These are my personal opinions that I am entitled to, so don't go gittin your knickers in a knot....okay? hehehe 

Magickal Blessings


  1. I fully agree with you and have had the exact same thoughts lately, which is also why I've disabled the "ratings" on most of my videos as I've already experienced negativity and slander on many of my videos (even though they've barely each gotten 100 hits or so). Love your honesty and open-mindedness and I'll be reading your blogs too from now on as I am a writer myself...the video production thing is more of a way to connect directly with the pagan community but writing is my true passion.

    is the link if you're interested...I've written over 400 articles, many of which are on Paganism and spirituality and the paranormal. :) Blessings!

    -Rhiannon Dancing Oak (a.k.a. Kitty)

  2. I have done the same with that trash botton. lol Some of the comments i had to let go because it was just to many, but thats ok Im not bothered by them anyway.
